
Ljubljana by night


two days ago, I took a little stroll downtown and realised I actually hadn't done that in ages. I am always rushing from point A to point B, to C and then back to A, not realising what the heck is going on around me. So this time I took the time to actually take it all in and I could see for the first time in quite a while that my hometown Ljubljana is a really beautiful city, full of interesting details and even more interesting people.

So first, I went windowshopping at Wolfova 5:

Then, I took some snapshots of the local street fashion:

and then I took some more photos:)

 he, he:)

Have a happy Sunday,




  1. Uuu, huda fotka Galerije Emporium in luškana fotka mladega para :)

  2. Hvala, men sta se zdela ta mala dva tut luštna:) Hvala za support:)


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