
Fashion + Graz

Let's quickly recap my last post: the weather in Graz was kinda crappy, so I didn't manage to pull off a photo-shooting of the street fashion in Graz, like I had originally planned but I did do a few snapshots of my favorite pieces in the shop windows. That counts as something, right? So, here it goes:

These shoes are so friggin awesome, they remind me of candy
and they are in my favorite color:)

 Prints are really hot this season, any kind

Want them!

The Gola label is really popular in Austria, everybody has got one Gola bag. 
The design is really bright and colorful and retro. 

As I was walking around the city, checking out the sights and such, I came across an antique shop that displayed the craziest and kitschiest earrings I have ever seen. And the crazy thing was that I liked them. These are them, the Austria's finest:

Have a nice day!

Teja xoxo


  1. Želim sivo-roze cipele!!! <3 Nakit je super!!! :D Teja, odlične su fotografije!

  2. Would you wear the first pair of shoes? X)
    great blog!!!

    1. hmmm... that's a really good question actually (but I think that these shoes are the kind of shoes that actually look better on a shelf than on somebody's feet XD lol!)

  3. I just bumped into your blog and after scrolling through your posts, I must say I really like it :) How about we follow each other? :)

    Kisses from Zurich,


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