
My Spring Skincare Routine/ Moja pomladanska nega obraza

Our face can express a whole palette of emotions, which in time, provide a permanent proof on our face: fine line, wrinkles, crinkles, crow's feet, you name it, eventually, as you grow old - you've got it. And it's not just that. Our face is the only part of our body that is always exposed for everybody to see and therefore also exposed to the possible negative impacts of the environment we live in: UV rays, sunburn, allergies, smog, pollution. Our skin absorbs everything, protecting us from the toxic influences of the outside world. Since you can't really influence the CO2 count in the air your breathing, there is something you can do with your skin - you can protect it. A woman with dried out, tired skin is a woman who has given up on herself, I always say. You only have one skin, wouldn't it be wise to invest in it?

Naš obraz izraža celo paleto čustev, ki sčasoma pustijo sledi na obrazu: drobne linije, gubice, smejalne gubice, t.i. ''vranja stopala,'' imenujte jih kakor hočete, na koncu jih s starostjo - dobite. In to ni vse. Naš obraz je edini del telesa, k je vedno izpostavljen vsem na ogled in je tako izpostavljen tudi možnim negativnim vplivom okolja v katerem živimo: UV žarki, sončne opekline, alergije, smog, onesnaževanje, itd. Naša koža vpije vse, ter nas tako zavaruje pred škodljivimi vplivi zunanjega sveta. Ne morete vplivati na vsebnost CO2 v zraku, ki ga dihate, lahko pa naredite nekaj s svojo kožo – lahko jo zaščitite. Ženska z izsušeno, utrujeno kožo, je ženska, ki je obupala nad sabo, vedno pravim. Imate samo eno kožo, zakaj ne bi vlagali vanjo?

I wasn't really blessed with great skin genes. My skin is naturally very dry, after washing my face only with warm water, it feels tight and if I don't moisturize it twice on a daily basis, it becomes flaky in matter of days. Of course the up side of this is that I don't get many pimples, puberty included, - but the down side is - ahem, my skin is dry, tight and flaky!

Nisem dobila ravno najboljših genov za kožo. Moja koža je zelo suha in že samo po umivanju obraza imam občutek zategovanja. Če je ne vlažim dvakrat na dan, vsak dan, se mi začne luščiti že po nekaj dnevih. Seveda je dobra plat tega, da ne dobivam veliko ogrcev, prav tako jih nisem v puberteti, vendar je slaba plat tega da – khm, moja koža je suha, zategnjena in nagnjena k luščenju!

That's why I need super rich cream, which I wear all the time, not only in the winter. My current favorite would have to be the Soraya Collagen & Elastine Day Cream which I love, love, love. I have been using it for a good month now and my skin doesn't feel tight anymore. Yay!  It is rich with Sesame and Avocado extracts and it makes my skin feel nourished and dewy. And it also made some fine lines around my eyes disappear. Hurrah!

Zato potrebujem zelo bogato kremo, ki jo nosim ves čas, ne samo pozimi. Moja najljubša kremica je trenutno Soraya Collagen & Elastine Day Cream ki jo imam zelo, zelo, zelo rada. Uporabljam jo že en mesec in nimam več občutka zategnjenosti. Juhu! Bogata je z izvlečki sezama in avokada ter res nahrani mojo kožo. In drobne gubice okoli oči so izginile. Hura!
Secondly, and this is important, because up until now, I believed it to be otherwise. I mean, I used to put body lotion on my face. Crrringe! Never again! Anyway, if you have a day cream - you need a night cream. And this is not some marketing trick. It's a fact. The cells in your skin renew while you sleep, so make sure that the night cream in even richer that the day cream. And when you wake up, your skin will feel nourished and ready for the challenges of the day! My current favorite would have to be the Soraya E+F Vitamin Night Cream. It gives my skin that extra kick that it needs:)

Druga stvar, in to je pomembno, ker do zdaj tega nisem  verjela. Včasih sem celo obraz namazala z losjonom za telo. Nikoli več! Torej, če uporabljate dnevno kremo – potrebujete nočno. In to ni nikakršen marketinški trik. To je dejstvo. Celice se vam v spanju obnavljajo, torej poskrbite, da bo nočna krema bogatejša od dnevne. In ko se boste zbudili, bo vaša koža nahranjena in pripravljena za izzive dneva! Moja najljubša kremica je trenutno Soraya E+F Vitamin Night Cream. Moji koži daje tisti sijaj, ki ga potrebujeJ

I hope you found this post helpful. Thank you Soraya Slovenija for sending me these two gorgeous creams!

Upam, da vam je bil ta članek v pomoč. Rada bi se zahvalila ekipi Soraya Slovenijaza čudoviti kremici!

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Have a happy Sunday!

Love, Teja xoxox

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