I have to admit that I am a sucker for anything that has the
word ''hydrating'' in it. My skin has always been sensitive and a bit dry, so I
have to take extra good care of it (even if I sometimes don't feel like it:S).
So a good hydrating facial cream is crucial, the best is from Paula's Choice
and I had already done a review on it
I believe that we don't we pay enough attention to lipcare
because we are surrounded with ads that promote only facial creams with their
Q10s and BBs, and CCs, and IQs and TNTs, I mean there are more initials used
for the creams than in the military! But let's go back to my review...
What I really like about this product is that it's not
scented, I seriously dislike lipglosses with strong scents. The packaging
is very practical and small; it's really compact, so it's perfect for the
smallest of purses. The texture is silky and it gives lips a really smooth
finish. I love the soft shine on my lips, enhanced by the antioxidant enriched formula,
which is crucial for healthy lips. The gloss looks and feels very natural
because it's so light in texture. My biggest concern at the beginning was
actually how is such a light formula supposed to hydrate my lips but as I
applied the gloss on my lips, all my doubts just faded alway. The sheer color
of the gloss is absolutely gorgeous and... well, prefect;)
My lip gloss is in ''Rose Blush''.
OCENA: Paula's Choice PERFECT SHINE Hydrating Lip Gloss
Moram priznati, da padem na vse, na čemur piše ''vlažilno
oz. hidratantno,'' torej ''hydrating'' v angleščini. Moja koža je občutljiva in
malo suha, zato moram še posebej dobro paziti nanjo (čeprav mi včasih ni do
tega:S). Torej dobra vlažilna krema za obraz je pri meni zelo pomembna,
najboljša je od Paula's Choice, ki sem jo že ocenila v članku
Menim, da nismo dovolj pozorni na nego ustnic, ker smo
obkroženi z oglasi, ki promovirajo samo kreme za obraz z njihovimi Q10 in BBji
in CCji in TNTji, mislim več okrajšav uporabljamo za kreme kot v vojski! Ampak vrnimo
se nazaj k moji oceni...
Zelo mi je všeč, da ta izdelek ni odišavljen, resnično ne
maram glosov z močnimi vonji. Embalaža je zelo praktična in majhna; je
kompaktna, torej popolna tudi za najmanjše torbice. Tekstura je svilnata in
naredi ustnice zelo gladke. Všeč mi je blagi sijaj na ustnicah, ki ga še
poudari formula, obogatena z antioksidanti, kar je izjemnega pomena za zdrave
ustnice. Glos daje zelo naraven videz in občutek, ker ima tako lahko teksturo.
Na začetku je moja največja skrb v bistvu bila, kako bo tako lahka formula
sploh vlažila moje ustnice, ampak ko sem glos nanesla na ustnice so se vsi moji
dvomi razblinili. Prosojna barva je naravnost čudovita in... no, popolna;)
Moj glos je v odtenku ''rose blush''.
Hope you found this preview helpful:)
Teja xoxox