
Blogger Meeting

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Slovenia (that is NOT Slovakia or Slavonia. Or Belarus. Or Russia for that matter) six young maidens met. These young maidens possessed special powers. They could transform the utmost ordinary things into beautiful pieces of art and then they put them on the the thing called ''interneth'', for the most ordinary mortals to see. 

They spoke the language of art, fashion and beauty (and also a bit of German, English and French). They were bound together by the bonds of sisterhood, which was strengthened by the magic caffeinated potion they drank as they chatted in yonder land, the land of Slovenia. 

The potion was truly magical, as it loosened their tongues and got them talking about such matters as hello cotton, getting sponsors for their blogs and the best online shops. Needless to say, the meeting of the sisterhood of the interneth was truly magnificent and a great success. The photo of the meeting is yonder below.

Do you liketh the photo?

From left to right: Maiden Teja from Soul Fishing (that would be me), maiden Ina from lovelylittlelux-uries, maiden dejazu, maiden Erika from fatalna, maiden amongbeautydrawers and the camera shy maiden Katja from colorfulharmony

Enjoy your day, dear reader,


Follow me, let's make it 50 followers on GFC!


  1. O jej! Sem čakala, kdaj bodo kakšne slikice... Lušne ste punce! A samo 6 se vas je uspelo dobit? Jaz sem si tako želala priti, pa sem kot nalašč zbolela... :(

    1. nič hudega, se bomo pa naslednjič videle, pa ziher bo v bližnji prihodnosti še kakšen blogger event, ki se ga boš lahko udeležila:)

  2. Replies
    1. Hvala;) dej več blogaj Nina! :) prav pogrešam tvoje članke!

  3. Replies
    1. Hvala, malo sem si dala duška z domišljijo;)

  4. Haha, res super napisano, prav zabavno za brat :D

  5. Looks like a very great meeting! I wish we had more bloggers here in Idaho so we can meet up...
    Wondering if you would like to follow each other?:)
    Please let me know!

    1. Yeah, we can totally follow each other:) You follow me and I'll follow you?


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