
REVIEW: Paula's Choice Illicit Lash Maximum Impact Mascara

Packaging: I was immediately drawn to the simplicity of the design; it seems that nowadays there are very few mascaras that do not resemble some kind of a mini sculpture and whose design is so advanced, it's almost battery-operated. So a brownie point for the simplicity :)

Embalaža: Pri tej maskari me je pritegnila preprostost oblike; zdi se mi, da je dandanes zelo malo maskar, ki niso podobne nekakšni mini skulpturi in pri katerih je dizajn tako napreden, da skoraj potrebujejo baterije. Plus točka za preprostost:)


Brush: Very flexible and cone-shaped and bends straight lashes nicely. However, the spiky plastic bristles do not separate the lashes 
as they should. I was a bit disappointed by that.

Krtačka: Glava krtačke je zelo gibljiva ter v obliki stožca in trepalnice lepo ukrivi. Vendar plastični koničasti zobki na ščetki ne ločijo trepalnic tako kot bi morali. Glede tega sem bila malo razočarana.

Texture: The texture is pretty thick and easily applicable, which I like, because the texture, especially that of cheaper labels can be a bit thin and therefore not having the necessary coverage. What I especially like about the ILLICIT LASH mascara is that it covers all the lashes evenly and that it's completely smudge-proof. To achieve the same effect, I always had to use a water-proof mascara.  An extra browni point. 

Tekstura tekočine v maskari: Dokaj gosta in mazljiva, kar mi je zelo všeč, namreč tekstura maskar, še posebno le-ta cenejših znamk, zna biti bolj redka in tako manj prekrivna. Pri ILLICIT LASH maskari mi je zelo všeč, da je dobro prekrivna in da se ne razmaže. Za takšen učinek sem se prej vedno morala zanesti na vodoodporno maskaro. Ekstra plus točka.

Minus: The mascara may clump the eyelashes together. 

Pomanjkljivosti: Maskara utegne zlepiti skupaj trepalnice.

Overall rating: 8/10

Končna ocena: 8/10


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  1. Tudi jaz jo imam in se strinjam z vsem zgoraj napisanim :)


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