
The Perfect Mini Cakes

Makes 12 mini cakes as big as the palm of your hand:

700 g/6 cups plain flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
180 g unrefined dark brown sugar (I used Billington’s Natural Molasses Sugar)
50 g caster sugar
4 eggs
600 ml/2 ½ cups milk
230 g butter
2 tsp vanilla essence
100 g semi-sweet chocolate chips
50 g cocoa powder

Chocolate Coating:
200 g of dark cooking chocolate
50 g butter
3 tablespoons of water

1 Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Grease the mini cakes tin:))
2 Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl.
3 Whisk together milk, vanilla essence and sugar, until frothy (yum!:))
4 Place the eggs and butter in a separate bowl and whisk together well. Gently fold in the flour and milk mixture, until the consistency of the dough is lovely and smooth.
5 Gently stir in the chocolate chips.
6 Spoon the mixture into the mini cakes cups, filling them just below the top. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the mini cakes are well risen and browned. And this is where we have a problem. The top of the mini cakes is risen. We don't want that. So take a knife and cut the little tops off, so that the mini cakes will be able to stand on their own.
7 Take the mini cakes out of the cake cups and put the on a grid, like this:
8 Stir together all the ingredients for the chocolate coating and let it gently simmer. When the chocolate is completely melted, pour it over the mini cakes and don't hold back:)


Teja xoxox

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