
Less than 24 hours till my flight... :o

Okay, you know how the Brits say:''Keep calm and carry on?'' This is not one of those times! The Sri Lankan Department of Immigration and Emigration decided that starting with January 1 2012, all travelers need a tourist visa - which should have already been published on their website in December 2011, but it was only published yesterday. Nice. Did I fill out the tourist visa application form as required yesterday? Of course not. I was far too busy packing, blogging, and telephoning five times a day with my sick grandpa.
Then, this morning, my dad called me via skype and asked me if I had done all the paper work for the tourist visa. Gulp.
Imagine my surprise and my complete and utter embarassment.Double gulp.

So, somewhere in Sri Lanka, right now, my dad is doing all the paper work after a night shift and probably cussing his head off, while I am having a morning cup of coffee and having a buttered toast, because let's face it - I really really don't have the time to eat anything more substantial.

Crisis solved: My dad just called me and said that my ETA application to visit Sri Lanka has been received. However, I must wait for their response for the next 24+ hours by which time, I will already be somewhere flying through the air, so this means logging online somewhere on the Frankfurt Airport, printing out the papers (if possible) and catching a plane to Bahrain (if possible).

Not to mention that my health insurance card is long overdue, so let's get back to my substantially longer to do list:

To do list:
 - eat the second buttered toast
 - call the insurance company
 - take the panama hat with you!!!
 - credit cards (no fun shopping without them)
 - mobile phone + batteries
 - labello SPF 10
 - bring a sweater!!!
 - pack ray bans
 - pack bikinis
 - pack 2 pieces of Nanoški sir (Eng: The Nanos cheese), dad's favorite
 - buy anti-bug spray to nuke the nasty mosquitoes
 - get a bikini (and all over bottom limb)wax
 - check the health insurance and take the insurance card with you!!!!
 - pack the address book
 - pack books to read
 - start praying to Jesus, Buddha, the Krishna and Allah that the plane will stay in the air and take me safely to Sri Lanka.



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